Monday, December 15, 2008

Discovery Toys

Okay, so this is my sales pitch! I found some new toys that I (and my boys) just love, and the best part, is that they also learn so much from these toys. They are GREAT! And so, yes, I am now selling them. If you are interested in buying some toys, coming over to my house to try some of them out, or you want to host a party let me know!!!
Visit my website


Cory and Krista said...

I just realized I might not have sent you an invite to our blog. So I just emailed you one. Sorry if I never sent you one. Did you guys have a good Christmas?

Paul and Susan's NY Historic Sites Mission said...

Jenny, I love your blog. :) It is so fun to see the pictures and hear your voice in your writing. Cortland had tons of discovery toys. When you mentioned them it brought me back about 20 years. :) Love you.