Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Summer presents some exciting times for the boys. The ability to go swimming, run outside, and go to soccer games is really quite enjoyable and keeps them busy!! We have been doing the family reunion thing recently, one of which was in Monroe, Utah (Johnson side) and one at the Randy Ploeger cabin (Ploeger side, obviously). Here are some pictures of Brock as a cowboy. What a cute little guy! He really got worried seeing Jenny on the mechanical bull. In fact he screamed like a girl the whole time. It is great to know he cares.

Ethan is growing up really fast. He is already starting to get up on all fours, which is quite surprising, considering he is a wee bit heavy for his age (6 months). Okay, maybe he is WAY heavy and big for his age, but...what do you expect. He is the happiest guy after his naps and with a smile like that, you can't help but love this little guy with all your heart. He is going to be another lady killer! Ethan still is not the greatest sleeper and screams at random times still for no good reason, but that is Ethan and hopefully he will grow out of that, and soon.

Brock is his typical self, which is a bundle of laughs, ALL THE TIME! He is becoming a little parrot, which is both hilarious and worrisome. Brock loves to dance, run around, play with his cars, pick green tomatoes from the garden, and hang out with either mom or dad, amongst other things. He is increasingly more playful with Ethan, which is great and can get Ethan to smile and laugh on command. He is learning his colors and tells you the color of the goods in Ethan's diapers. Yucky! Truely great brotherly love thus far between the boys. Brock loves to read the comics and has a favorite comic already that he reads and says..."I don't get it" after he reads it. Hilarious! Brock went to a BYU soccer game last night and all the way home we heard him chanting...B-Y-U. Needless to say, we left him on the side of the road in American Fork. Let us know if you see him. It definately hard for Tyler to hear, but quite a funny story. He has been known to say..."You have got to be kidding me" and "Why I otta". Where he picked those up, who knows, but perhaps JENNY would know. Jenny is a wonderful mom and spends so much time teaching the boys. She truely is a great example.

Brock wasn't too into the fireworks for some reason. Perhaps it was being up late, perhaps it was the flashing lights or the loud noises, but he didn't really enjoy them...much to Tyler's dismay. We did have a good time with Tiffany and Nate, who came over to spend the evening with us. They are Brock's best friends! Here are a few pictures from the 4th.
We have enjoyed spending time with all the family and friends during this month. Please keep in touch and let's do it more often.


Tonii said...

Wahoo, a new post!! What adorable little guys you have. Jenny, you are amazing, teaching and doing so many fun things with your kids. Way to go!

Cory and Krista said...

Love the new pictures they are so adorable! Thanks so much for stopping by the other night!! It was so fun to see you on my porch! I would love to see you again soon!

Camille said...

Cute Blog! I love the back ground! your boys are so cute! Im glad you are back in the blogging world! Its so fun :)