For those who give me (Tyler) a hard time for not updating the blog, this has been a work in progress trying to help Jenny find time to update this.
For an update...Ethan is enormous and Brock
continues to be a bundle of joy. You can tell by the part of the newspaper that he reads, that most of his time he focuses on FOOD.
Ethan is starting to rollover already and is finally over the random baby crying stage. At Ethan's last doctors appointment, he topped the charts in both height and weight, being in the 90+ percentile on both. We thought Brock was big! Brock also is in the 90+ percentile range for height, but has slowed a bit on his weight, thanks to our treadmill workouts and yoga exercises. :)
Brock's recent discovery is that he can climb out of his crib. Wahoo!...for him, but yet to be seen how we try to deal with this new discovery. I think we should just put a big airmatress beside his crib, so he can have a jungle gym...eventually he will go to sleep...right?
Brock has a new Harley Davidson big wheel, but isn't quite big enough to reach the pedals. Perhaps we should try the Indiana Jones technique of blocks strapped to his shoes.
Jenny is doing well. She finished the half marathon after only 9 weeks of preparation (okay, really only 3, since you can't do anything really for 6 weeks). It was a test of patience and endurance, but we finished in record time. :)
Tyler is past his busy season, hooray! The real good thing is that no more CPA exam to worry about. Now, comes the summer yard work, planting the garden, and Brock's attempt at assisting in these activities. 
Brock loves to be involved. Brock helps with the laundry by filling his wheelbarrow and putting his clothes away. Somehow
you have to keep the guy manly, thus....his wheelbarrow. He also picks what he wants to have for breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner. It is not uncommon for Brock to wake up in the morning and say .... "strawberry pancakes", or "oatmeal", or "Cheerios and Kix". He has been known to throw out the baguette or other exotic food choices. Lucky for us...he will try about anything.